The Heritage Foods Nutrition Circle: The Body in the Environment & The Impact of Living at Altitude

This week, we welcome Will Swett CNHP of Herbal Remedies in Laramie, WY to discuss The Body in the Environment & The Impact of Living at Altitude.

Watch it Here:

About Will: "My father became a naturopathic doctor after serious health issues. I've been studying herbs, nutrition, essential oil, and many subtitles all under the naturopath umbrella. I started studying herbs and nutrition at age 18, putting me at 30 years in the field education-wise. I am a Board Certified Traditional Naturopath through the ANMA. It's unique in the aspect that it's a 3rd party board of medical doctors and naturopathic doctors who created a test but no education system for it. Other education platforms will prepare students for said test. This requires I continuously receive education in order to retain my certification. I have gone through complete classes and been certified through Tree of light, Trinity, and Know Your Wellness, along with dozens more. My father began and ran Herbal Remedies for over 20 years before passing 10 years ago and trusting me to continue his legacy."


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